The Merging of the Phytoremediation and Biomass Energy Crop Industries In September 2002, researchers from Belarus presented a paper at the BioEnergy 2002 conference in Boise, Idaho, proudly making the U.S. audience aware of their project produce "renewable" energy from burning trees that have been used to suck up radioactive Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 from Chernobyl fallout. See: Feasibility of Application of Short Rotation Willow to Remediation of Contaminated Land. For an update on this, see the Biofuels could clean up Chernobyl 'badlands' article in New Scientist (6/27/2009). The article explains that: "The heavy radioactive residues [trees] will be burned in a power station, producing a concentrated 'radioactive ash'." Unfortunately, this isn't a new concept to U.S. "biomass" researchers, since scientists are Florida have already been working hard to justify burning trees that have been used to suck up arsenic from land contaminated by wood treatment chemicals. The following report documents efforts by University of Florida scientists to merge the phytoremediation industry with the biomass energy crop industry. This means that trees grown on lands contaminated with toxic chemicals like arsenic (refered to below as "As") could be burned in coal-fired power plants as "biomass" and would be considered "green, renewable energy," despite the fact that arsenic (or other toxic chemicals in question) would be redistributed to the environment through air emissions and ash disposal.
From “Annual Report for Biomass Programs of the Center For Natural Resources 2001-2002”
p50-51 Thus, planting and harvesting recommendations for a cottonwood phytoremediation system need to be a compromise between maximizing soil coverage by planting at high densities and planting at lower densities to avoid early canopy closure. Plant tissue concentrations observed at Archer and Quincy were well below the levels required to classify the plant tissues as toxic waste according to the Toxic Characteristics Leaching Potential (TCLP). For example, the highest tissue concentration observed at either site was 6.7-mg kg -1 . The TCLP test method requires that waste samples be extracted with an amount of fluid equal to 20 times the weight of the solid phase. Even if all As in the tree tissue containing 6.7 mg kg -1 was leached out to the extracting fluid, the maximum possible As extract concentration would be 0.335 mg l -1 , significantly lower than the TCLP standard for As of 5 mg l -1 . Therefore, cottonwood biomass grown on As contaminated soil should not require statutory treatment or disposal as hazardous waste and may be disposed of in a municipal landfill or used for pulp, mulch or energy production.
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